
Emerson Elementary School
WABS was able to help some of the kids at Emerson Elementary School and a nearby preschool in Snohomish! The school counselor had her list of families that will be...
Emerson Elementary School
WABS was able to help some of the kids at Emerson Elementary School and a nearby preschool in Snohomish! The school counselor had her list of families that will be...

Westside Baby
Wear A Big Smile was able to donate 180 pair of brand new Western Chief Kids rain boots to our friends at Westside Baby. We are planning a very large...
Westside Baby
Wear A Big Smile was able to donate 180 pair of brand new Western Chief Kids rain boots to our friends at Westside Baby. We are planning a very large...

Union Gospel Mission Search and Rescue
Wear A Big Smile is thrilled to announce a generous donation to the Union Gospel Mission! We have donated 138 pairs of brand new Western Chief men's and women's rain...
Union Gospel Mission Search and Rescue
Wear A Big Smile is thrilled to announce a generous donation to the Union Gospel Mission! We have donated 138 pairs of brand new Western Chief men's and women's rain...

Vision House Renton
Today, WABS proudly supported Vision House in Renton by donating 69 pairs of brand new Western Chief boots! Vision House operates two long-term shelters, one in Renton and another in...
Vision House Renton
Today, WABS proudly supported Vision House in Renton by donating 69 pairs of brand new Western Chief boots! Vision House operates two long-term shelters, one in Renton and another in...

KAC Last night
WABS was back at the Kent School Districts Clothing bank night. We donated 38 pair of brand new Western Chief shoes!
KAC Last night
WABS was back at the Kent School Districts Clothing bank night. We donated 38 pair of brand new Western Chief shoes!

Totem Falls Elementary School
Yesterday, WABS was back at Totem Falls Elementary School to donate rain boots for their preschool. We donated 65 pair of brand new WCK rain boots!
Totem Falls Elementary School
Yesterday, WABS was back at Totem Falls Elementary School to donate rain boots for their preschool. We donated 65 pair of brand new WCK rain boots!